"I took my first Enlightenment Intensive with Jeff Love, in 1978. Towards the end of the third day a sudden awakening happened. That experience changed my life. I arrived 'home.' I fell madly in love with 'spiritual' practice and did everything I could: Intensives, yoga, Vipassana and Zen Sesshins, therapeutic psychology - I have an MA in that. In 1982 I trained to be an Enlightenment Intensive Master and gave my first Intensive. Since then I have given 100 Enlightenment Intensives and, for 31 years, led a weekly Dyad Night for those who wish to continue contemplation practice between Intensives.
I give Intensives according to the Sudden Awakening teachings of their creator, Charles Berner. Sudden Awakenings bring great depth and clarity to one's life and practice. They are priceless. But they need to be balanced and supported by Gradual Cultivation. To grow one must put down roots. For me a lifetime of practice, service and study has been my means of cultivation. Along the way I have been helped by three wonderful teachers: Ammachi, Roshi Sazaki, and AH Almaas. Almaas, who is from the Gradual Awakening side of things, has given me an understanding of the whole panorama that informs how I teach towards Sudden Awakening. I am indebted to him for this.
As a teacher of a method that is itself highly structured, I tend towards the informal side of things, I use humor, tell stories, and I'm good with people. I am also in complete earnest. I love the work deeply; trust it completely. Through the years I have seen it bring fulfillment, joy, healing and the glory of awakening to so many people. To me it as an on-going miracle. And it is my great privilege to make it available to others.
On a personal note, my wife and I have three grown children, and one grandchild. We live in North Vancouver BC."