Ayyā Suvijjānā Bhikkhuni

Ayyā Suvijjānā started meditating in the Soto Zen tradition in 1976 with Kobun Chino Roshi as her teacher. In 1998 she was introduced to Vipassana at Santa Cruz insight Center. She was deeply inspired by the teachings from the Early Buddhist Texts, or the Suttas from the Pali Canon. During this period of time she moved close to Abhayagiri Monastery to hear teachings by Ajahn Amaro and Ajahn Pasanno. She was inspired by the balance of meditation, monastic discipline and teachings from the Suttas. She then started to seek a way to ordain in the Theravada Tradition.

In 2006 she joined the Dhammadharini Monastic community with Ayyā Tathālokā and Ayyā Sobhanā Bhikkhunī as her bhikkhuni teachers. She received full ordination as a bhikkhuni in 2010. As part of her role at Dhammadharini Monastery she has taught meditation and shared Dhamma teachings.

Starting 2020, Ayyā has been in residence in several Theravada monasteries in the USA, New Zealand and visited monasteries in Australia. While in residence, she has shared Dhamma and taught meditation.

The teachings she shares are based on the suttas. The meditation she teaches draws from the Theravada Commentarial tradition as well as being sutta based. Ayyā’s teaching has been influenced by a number of monastic teachers, including Sayadaw U Jagara, Ajhan Punnadhammo, Ajhan Brahm and Bhante Sujato. Ayyā’s focus for meditation practice has been Four Elements meditation, Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana (Loving Kindness). It is her joy to share her understanding of the Dhamma and meditation with others.

In May of 2024 Ayyā Suvijjānā, along with Ayyā Niyyānika, opened a new monastic residence, named Passaddhi Vihara, in Olympia, WA. They share teachings online and at other venues in the area.