Ven Canda met the Dhamma in 1996 in India and practiced intensive meditation, sitting and serving scores of Vipassana retreats, before ordaining in Burma in 2006. She took full 'bhikkhuni' ordination with her teacher Ajahn Brahm in Australia in 2014 and for the last eight years she and Ajahn Brahm have been developing the UK charity Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project, which will support Britain's first Forest Monastery for women wishing to train toward bhikkhuni ordination.
Ven Canda now has a little Vihara in the beautiful city of Oxford, close the River Thames. Besides running the charity and monastery, she teaches extensively and spends 3-4 months a year in solitary retreat. Ven Canda loves the Buddha's teachings and her offerings are richly informed by the compassion and pragmatism of the Early Buddhist texts. She emphasizes kindness and letting go as a way to deepen stillness and wisdom - a work in progress!
Follow this link to hear a talk by Ven. Canda on her life as a Buddhist nun.