Awareness and Wisdom

During this five-night retreat, we will explore the mindfulness practice taught by Sayadaw U Tejaniya, which is based on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness with an emphasis on awareness of the qualities of mind. The practice encourages relaxation of body and mind...

Thinking As A Buddhist

The Buddhist path of awakening is classically expressed as the middle way and noble eightfold path. Mindfulness, vigor, and composure are of course central. Wise skillful understanding guides and is followed by right thought and aim. This retreat will focus on these...

Practicing Amidst Life’s Challenges

There’s nothing trivial about the turning point in the Buddha-to-be’s journey when he met the four divine messengers — disease, aging, death, and the option of contemplative life. Most likely, you’ve met them, too, personally or with a loved one. Santikaro, for one,...

Natural Unfolding

In this Prajnaparamita (Perfection of Wisdom) retreat we will learn a gentle and intuitive system of working with body and mind in a natural way. As skill in this method grows, we find ourselves increasingly in touch with now. The world around us is experienced more...

Awakening Together: A Meditation Retreat For People of Color

There is an African Proverb that says: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Together, we are stronger and more resilient and can support one another to go a little bit further on the path towards Awakening. This retreat is about just...