Metta Retreat

Metta (Loving-Kindness) Meditation is a complementary practice to Vipassana (Mindfulness) Meditation. It is a formal practice originally taught by the Buddha as an antidote to fear. When we practice Metta we awaken to our own intrinsic wholeness, peacefulness and...


Are you pulled to realize the full abiding contentment of the heart? Do you sense that possibility now? It is the intention of this retreat to serve the needs of the more experienced student who sincerely wishes to explore the liberating depth of the Buddha’s...

Luminous Mind

This retreat is set in the larger context of awakening. The first few days include the overall “view” of enlightenment, and the basis of Bodhicitta (a wish for awakening for oneself and all beings) in the heart for a full practice and larger intention for practice....