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Retreat is an extraordinary opportunity to disengage from the rhythms and habits of our daily lives and bring ourselves wholeheartedly to meditative practice. As we engage periods of sitting and walking meditation, daily meals and Dharma instruction, we observe and investigate what is happening in our minds and hearts to see and welcome the deepest truth of all that arises. In this way we can explore the roots of our suffering, as well as our potential depths of peace, compassion and wisdom. Through this noble practice we may get a taste of the radical freedom of being present with what is and to fully realize the teachings of the Dharma.
Our maximum group size is 44 retreatants. Retreats are usually led by one or two teachers. We wish to maintain a group size that feels intimate and personal, where no one feels like “just another face in the crowd.” We wish to provide each participant with opportunities for both group and one-on-one practice discussions with teachers. We wish each individual to feel a sense of belonging within the community. From this sense of belonging, it is our hope that each retreatant experience both being the recipient of the support of the group energy and also the privilege and feeling of sacred empowerment in helping to provide support for the well being of the group as a whole.
Whatever your level of meditation practice, we are confident that you will find a suitable retreat on our schedule. If you have any questions about whether a retreat would be a good fit for your particular experience and aspirations, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Cloud Mountain office. It is an important part of our mission to help students find the most appropriate avenues for spiritual deepening, and encourage you to contact us with any questions you might have about choosing a retreat.