Carole Melkonian

Carole Melkonian

Carole Melkonian has been practicing meditation for decades. In 1980, she spent 4 years in residence at Zen Mountain Monastery under the guidance of John Daido Loori and then 12 years studying closely with Thich Nhat Hanh, helping start his publishing company,...
Jason Bartlett

Jason Bartlett

Jason Bartlett emphasizes a practical approach to Buddha Dharma, drawing practice instructions from a wide variety of traditions. He teaches an understanding of Buddhism which can be applied in the tumult of daily life, with the aspiration to support practitioners at...
Ayya Cittānandā Bhikkhunī

Ayya Cittānandā Bhikkhunī

Ayya Cittananda has spent over ten years on the Buddhist path, after being inspired in 2005 by a college philosophy class to spend time practicing at monasteries.  After completing a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing and working at a hospital as a registered nurse in...
Patsy Boyer

Patsy Boyer

I didn’t know that I had a question until I got an answer. It came through a ‘sudden awakening experience’ I had at the first 3-day Enlightenment Intensive I attended in the mid-1980’s. I couldn’t really say what the question was, nor even the answer; rather, I can...
Vance Pryor

Vance Pryor

Vance Pryor, Psy.D., has been practicing insight meditation since 1999. He has been deeply influenced by the teachings of Mahasi Sayadaw, Sayadaw U Tejaniya, Kamala Masters, and Steve Armstrong. He is a recent graduate of the 2017-2021 Insight Meditation Society’s...